Impact Overview
The Global Impact Index is an open-source initiative that equally weights 50 impact indicators, across 10 impact factors for more than 150 countries that together account for more than 99% of the world's population and GDP. The chart below shows this countries score overall and for each of the 10 factors as well as the best performer for each factor and country rank.
Country Context
When interpreting the Global Impact Index 1.0 it is important to reflect on each countries context. The population, land area and national GDP bias impact indicators in various ways. While many impact indicators are expressed on a comparative population, land mass or GDP basis, there are circumstances where outliers on all dimensions are advantaged or disadvantaged.
Impact Indicators
Review all 50 impact indicators, the 10 categories and 5 dimensions of the Impact Index.
Carbon dioxide emissions (mt) (2019)
Climate & Sustainability
Corruption Perception Index (2019)
Current Health Expenditure (2019)
Domestic material consumption (2019)
Economic Conditions
🎓 Education
Education Expenditure (2019)
Education Inequality (2019)
Education & Workforce
Environmental Performance Index (EPI) (2021)
Equity & Governance
Expected Years of Schooling (2019)
Forest area, % change (1990/2016)
Fossil fuel energy consumption, % of total (2014)
Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (% of internal resources) (2017)
GDP Per Capita, PPP (2019)
Gender Inequality (2019)
General Government Debt, % of GDP (2010-2019)
Gov Effectiveness (2019)
🖤 Health
Health & Wellness
Homicide Rate (2019)
Homicide Rate (2019)
Average CAB in Past Decade, % of GDP (2010-2019)
Hospital Beds, Per 1,000 (2017)
Internet Users (2019)
Labor Force Participation Rate (2019)
Labor Force with Advanced Education (2019)
💼 Labour
Life Expectancy at Birth, Female (2019)
Life Expectancy at Birth, Male (2019)
Life expectancy inequality (2019)
Average Deficit in Past Decade, % of GDP (2010-2019)
Mobile Phone Subscriptions (2019)
🌱 Environment
Natural resource depletion, % of GNI (2019)
Physicians, Per 1,000 (2017)
Political Stability (2019)
Population with at least some secondary education (2019)
Prison Population Per 100,000 (2019)
Refugees by country of origin, thousands (2019)
Renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption) (2019)
Average Inflation in Past Decade (2010-2019)
Rule of Law (2019)
Rural Access to Electricity (2019)
Secondary Enrollment Ratio (2019)
Secondary Student Teacher Ratio (2018)
Secure Internet Servers, per million (2019)
Suicide Rate, Female (2019)
Suicide Rate, Male (2019)
💎 Resources
Technological Infrastructure
Total natural resources rents (% of GDP) (2019)
Unemployment (2019)
Voice and Accountability (2019)
Vulnerable Employment (2019)
Youth Not in School or Employed (2019)
Broadband download speed (2022)