Future of Higher Education & Workforce Summit

Monterrey, Mexico | Sep 20-21, 2023.
Convening University Leaders for strategic conversations and practical outcomes.

Higher Education Leadership Summit

The 2023 HolonIQ Future of Higher Education & Workforce Summit will take place on September 20-21, 2023 in Monterrey, Mexico. The Summit provides the ideas, insights and connections to formulate successful strategies and partnerships, capitalize on technological change and inspires public and private leaders to transform the way the world learns.

The 2023 event is an invitation-only leadership summit, and will bring together 200 University Leaders and Innovators for two days of presentations, discussions and workshop sessions. The Summit focuses on four key thematics: The Future of Higher Education; Work, Jobs and Skills; Transforming Teaching, Learning & Curriculum; and, Advanced Technology. If the President or their delegate from your University would like to join the Summit, request your invitation here. Numbers are strictly limited.

Presenting Partner

The Institute for the Future of Education of Tecnológico de Monterrey, one of the world's most innovative universities is the presenting partner for the 2023 Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit.

2022 Highlights

See the highlights from the 2022 Global Summit Series.

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The Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit will be held on Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 September, in Monterrey, Mexico. The Summit is an invitation-only event, bringing together leaders and innovators from universities in Latin America and from around the world. If the President or their delegate from your University would like to join the Summit, please join the waitlist here. Numbers are strictly limited.

Sep 20, 2023 8:00 AM
Registration and Networking
Start the Summit with a good coffee and reconnect with your peers from the region. Head to the registration desk for your name tag. The IFE team will be on hand to answer any questions. Day 1 of the Summit focuses on the future of higher education and drivers for change. With a particular focus on jobs, skills and the future of work, sessions will inspire new ideas and identify areas of opportunity and practical actions for building ‘next gen’ educational products. New models and future competitors will be considered and participants will deep dive into how their university might look in the decade ahead.
Sep 20, 2023 9:00 AM
Opening Interactive Plenary. Drivers & Priorities for the future of higher education
This keynote presentation covers the trends and issues impacting Higher Education and how universities are responding to new competitive environments, new technologies and changing student expectations. This session will introduce the key themes to be discussed over the coming days and the audience will identify their top priorities.
Maria Spies
Co-Founder at HolonIQ & Chief Innovation Officer at QS
José Escamilla
Associate Director at Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 20, 2023 9:30 AM
Leveraging Talent Development for Investment Attraction & Regional Advancement
We are joined by senior government leaders to discuss key workforce issues and needs for the next 5 years and how universities can play a critical role in shaping the region’s future talent and economic opportunity. Join this session for a discussion about what skills are needed in the economy and how developing the region’s talent attracts greater investment and economic growth.
Alfonso Pompa Padilla
Secretary of Innovation, Science and Technology for the Government of the state Jalisco
María Angélica Granados Trespalacios
Secretary of Innovation & Economic Development, Government of Chihuahua
Ivan Rivas Rodríguez
Secretary of Economy, Government of Nuevo León
Hugo Garza Medina
Vice President of Strategic Projects
Sep 20, 2023 10:15 AM
Coffee & Networking Break
Sep 20, 2023 10:45 AM
IFE Insights Reports - Short Cycle Programs: Effective Responses to Enterprises' Needs Through Educational Innovation
The need for continuous up-skilling and reskilling across a career has never been greater, particularly for digital skills as jobs and industries transform. Micro-Credentials and Short Cycle Programs have emerged as a solution to rapidly changing industry needs, and also offer the potential to provide access to education for those who haven't been able to engage in formal higher education. This session will report on initiatives across Latin America that provide young people with opportunities to acquire decent jobs and a better quality of life through short-cycle programs, with the common objective of reducing the gaps that affect youth and their diverse contexts in Latin America and the world. The session will present findings and outcomes of these initiatives and report on challenges and opportunities for those considering short cycle programs.
Mercedes de la Masa
CEO at Generation Mexico
José Escamilla
Associate Director at Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 20, 2023 11:15 AM
Partnering for Online Learning: Challenges & Opportunities for Universities
Online education is increasingly important to universities with continued pressure for new forms of revenue, ambitions to service more diverse learners and to meet the expectations of current students. Many institutions now undertake a range of external partnerships to support their online programs, from finding and recruiting students, to online learning design and managing the technology stack. This session discusses the trend on partnerships and how online capabilities are being developed inside institutions.
César Chávez
Maria Spies
Co-Founder at HolonIQ & Chief Innovation Officer at QS
Sep 20, 2023 12:00 PM
WORKSHOP 1: The University of 2030 - What will your institution look like?
Changes to University educational offerings have been accompanied by a bewildering spectrum of partnerships and collaborations, from the rise of OPMs and Bootcamps to increasing collaboration with industry, technology companies and many others. New forms of competition and partnership now go even further, spanning geographic & industry boundaries, and introducing new models which demand completely different skills and mindsets, attract new types of learners and rethink the boundaries of the institution and the sector. This one hour workshop will consider the forces driving change and how those might re-shape universities over the next decade.
Maria Spies
Co-Founder at HolonIQ & Chief Innovation Officer at QS
Ignacio de la Vega
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Faculty, and Internationalization, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 20, 2023 1:00 PM
Networking Lunch
Sep 20, 2023 2:00 PM
Realising Experiential Learning in Online Environments: Anáhuac-Minerva Case Study
Learning design is gradually moving away from a focus on managing and delivering content, toward an orientation to the learner’s experience - both in and out of the classroom. Join this session to hear how experiential learning design can offer rich, authentic learning for students studying online. The partnership between the Minerva Project and Anáhuac Online provides a practical example of how universities can develop their online pedagogies to benefit students.
Rafael Isaac Estrada Danell
Academic Director of Anáhuac Online
Capri LaRocca
Director of Experiential Learning at Minerva Project
Sep 20, 2023 2:30 PM
The Future for Green Skills in Latin America. What programs should universities build now?
Green hiring and green skills is on the rise in Latin America, however the region still lags behind in the global green transition. According to the IADB, this trend will generate more than 15 million new jobs with agriculture the sector with the highest green skills penetration, and environmental services is the region’s fastest growing green skill. What programs should universities build and how should they be delivered to cater for this growing demand and support the region’s green transition?
Cynthia Villareal
Director of Sustainable Development at Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 20, 2023 3:00 PM
Coffee & Networking Break
Sep 20, 2023 3:15 PM
Lifelong Learning and the Future Competitive Landscape for Higher Education
Millions of adult learners will need continued training and learning throughout their career as the world of work adjusts to new technologies and requirements. What organisations and models will be delivering to these learners and how can universities position to be relevant?
Carlos Iván Moreno
Dean of the Virtual University of Guadalajara
Juan Alejo Arenas
Vice President of Lifelong Learning, Tec Milenio University
Jorge Azzario
Director of Digital Academy at Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 20, 2023 3:45 PM
WORKSHOP 2: The Imperative for Entrepreneurial Innovation at your University
In this workshop, higher education leaders will consider how to foster a team culture of innovation and identify tools for developing and scaling entrepreneurial practice during times of rapid change. We will identify ways to create pockets of collective entrepreneurial possibility, including how to use existing resources to go beyond the status quo. Barriers to change, ideas, tools and frameworks will be identified to support leaders in building an innovation culture.
Jenny Zapf
Director of Education Entrepreneurship, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania
Barbara 'Bobbi' Kurshan
Senior Fellow & Innovation Advisor, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania
Sep 20, 2023 5:00 PM
Networking Reception
Join 200 higher education leaders & innovators for a networking reception on site. Meet new colleagues and partners and catch up with old friends.
Sep 21, 2023 8:30 AM
Day 2 Coffee & Networking
Day 2 focuses on the practical aspects of digital transformation along with how advanced technologies will impact learning and educational delivery. From mapping institutional capabilities, reengineering assessment and achieving personalized learning, to incorporating innovation mindset at your institution or grappling with uses of artificial intelligence, these sessions will provide insights and practical action for higher education leaders.
Sep 21, 2023 9:15 AM
Interactive Plenary. Building Digital Capabilities in Higher Education
In this session, participants will deep dive into strategic shifts and global trends impacting Higher Education, and analyze implications for their institution. They will assess and map their institution’s digital capabilities against the HEDC framework, explore the Buy/ Build/ Partner decision-making framework to different use cases and engage in peer discussions with other higher education leaders & innovators.
Maria Spies
Co-Founder at HolonIQ & Chief Innovation Officer at QS
José Escamilla
Associate Director at Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 21, 2023 10:00 AM
Reengineering assessment
Assessing learning is at the heart of the education process. However, today’s world requires everything to be at a faster pace, with iterative, formative approaches to continued development. So too is assessment being re-engineered to be more effective in assessing what matters, and providing opportunities for continued learning and improvement. This session brings together experts in the field to discuss how assessment is changing and what works.
Claudia Zubieta
Head of Assessment & Alternative Credentials Center at Tecnologico de Monterrey
Elvira Rincón
Impact Measurement Research Scientist, IFE, Tecnológico de Monterrey
María José Pineda Garin
Director of Design & Curriculum Assessment at Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 21, 2023 10:30 AM
How to achieve personalized learning at scale
Personalized learning is a pedagogical strategy that increases the efficiency and effectiveness of people's learning. It offers teaching paths aligned to the interests and ways of learning of each person. However, its scalability is limited by the inability to generate as many paths as people. This talk will present how technology can facilitate the balance between scalability and personalization of learning in a manageable and strategic way.
Bety Palacios
Director of Educational Innovation, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Luis Portales
Leader of Experimentation and Impact Measurement at Tecnologico de Monterrey
Sep 21, 2023 11:00 AM
Coffee & Networking Break
Sep 21, 2023 11:30 AM
How technology is helping to solve education’s big challenges in Latin America
Latin America and the Caribbean face significant educational challenges, with many young people in the region entering the labor force without the skills needed to participate in an increasingly competitive, globalized economy. While traditional education systems have the opportunity to help fill this gap, new solutions and technologies are also on the horizon. Join this session to hear more about how technology is helping to solve education’s big challenges in Latin America.
Alejandro Caballero
Principal Education Specialist at IFC The World Bank Group
César Sánchez
Coordinator of EdTech Entrepreneurship at Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sara Segundo
TPrize Coordinator IFE, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 21, 2023 11:45 AM
Artificial Intelligence - applications across the student lifecycle
With huge advances in AI capabilities and broader awareness of the applications and possibilities in the last few years, AI has become central to University discussions on everything from academic integrity to assessment & feedback, student support and advising, marketing, and many other aspects of the learning experience. This session identifies how AI is already being used across the learner lifecycle and presents examples and challenges for universities to consider.
Laurence Bertoux
Leader of Platforms Initiative at Tecnologico de Monterrey
Maria Spies
Co-Founder at HolonIQ & Chief Innovation Officer at QS
Sep 21, 2023 12:15 PM
Data. Issues & Opportunities for Higher Education
Data is at the heart of advanced technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence. It can be used to personalise experiences, gain insights into learners' challenges and strengths. However there are significant issues to be addressed, including security and privacy, storage, interoperability, errors and bias, as well as educator upskilling to use and interpret data. This session considers the key issues related to data in education, in the era of AI..
Iara Alcauter Rueda
Director of the Data Science Lab, Universidad Panamericana
Juan Ignacio Gonzalez-Espinosa
Director of Intelligence and Data Science, Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM)
Sep 21, 2023 12:45 PM
Networking Lunch
Sep 21, 2023 1:30 PM
WORKSHOP 3: Generative AI in Higher Education
This hands-on workshop will deep dive into the current and future uses of generative AI in education and in the world of work. Participants will interact with a generative AI engine and workshop how they could incorporate GenAI into their operations and curriculum.
Maria Spies
Co-Founder at HolonIQ & Chief Innovation Officer at QS
Sep 21, 2023 3:00 PM
Cyberphysical Learning. The best of both worlds?
Only those educational institutions that moved quickly enough to online and hybrid modalities survived the COVID-19 pandemic. In the new normality, students and teachers miss the flexibility of hybrid classes accompanied by classmates worldwide. Cyber-Physical Learning seeks to provide technology platforms that effectively blend physical and digital resources in hybrid learning environments. Telepresence robots, mixed reality, artificial intelligence, and the metaverse could be key technologies in this endeavor.
Hector G. Ceballos
Director of Living Lab and Data Hub, Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Luis Fernando Morán-Mirabal
Living Lab Coordinator, IFE at Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 21, 2023 3:30 PM
New U: Strategic Takeaways & Action Plans
This practical workshop will consider the range of drivers, trends and scenarios of the last two days and provide a framework for leaders to build their innovation and transformation actions plans and roadmaps. Participants will develop priority lists for each of the summit themes - Future Models for HE; Workforce, Jobs & Skills; Advanced Technology; and Transforming Teaching, Learning & Curriculum.
Maria Spies
Co-Founder at HolonIQ & Chief Innovation Officer at QS
José Escamilla
Associate Director at Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sara Segundo
TPrize Coordinator IFE, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sep 21, 2023 4:15 PM
Concluding Remarks & Summit Close