2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
4:30 pm

Powering the transformation of U.S and Global education and workforce systems

Here in the US, Jobs for the Future recently announced it’s New North Star Goal: In 10 Years, 75 Million People Facing Systemic Barriers to Advancement Will Work in Quality Jobs. Less than half of employed workers in the U.S. are in quality jobs; JFF aims to improve the number with support from a coalition of public, private, and nonprofit sector changemakers. Meanwhile, OpenClassrooms, based in Europe delivers upskilling to learners in over 180 countries. In OpenClassroom’s 2022 Mission Report the company reaffirmed it believes that education should be accessible to everyone and everywhere. Regardless of age, gender and ethnicity. Regardless of social and cultural background. Regardless of financial capacities.