Maria Spies

Co-CEO at HolonIQ

Dr. Maria Spies is Co-Founder & Co-CEO of HolonIQ, the world's leading research and analytics platform for the global impact economy, whose data and insights power growth, innovation and risk intelligence for forward thinking governments, institutions, organizations and investors across climate, education & health.

Maria has worked in public and private education for over 20 years specializing in transforming education through technology. She has built and led global teams, driving innovation in curriculum, teaching and the student experience in over 50 countries. In her capacity as Co-CEO of HolonIQ, Maria leads the Education Intelligence Unit in delivering data rich insights about the global education sector and oversees HolonIQ’s tools and frameworks such as the Global Learning Landscape, Scenarios for the Future of Education, and Digital Transformation Frameworks. She advises institutions, policy makers, intergovernmental organisations and NGOs on key education issues.

Maria holds both Masters and Doctorate degrees in Higher Education, and was awarded ‘Thesis of the Year’ for her thesis on public-private partnerships in higher education. She serves as Adjunct Faculty at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education.

2023 Back to School Featured Speaker
2024 Paris HE Summit
2024 Back to School

Maria Spies

Co-CEO at HolonIQ

Dr. Maria Spies is Co-Founder & Co-CEO of HolonIQ, the world's leading research and analytics platform for the global impact economy, whose data and insights power growth, innovation and risk intelligence for forward thinking governments, institutions, organizations and investors across climate, education & health.

Maria has worked in public and private education for over 20 years specializing in transforming education through technology. She has built and led global teams, driving innovation in curriculum, teaching and the student experience in over 50 countries. In her capacity as Co-CEO of HolonIQ, Maria leads the Education Intelligence Unit in delivering data rich insights about the global education sector and oversees HolonIQ’s tools and frameworks such as the Global Learning Landscape, Scenarios for the Future of Education, and Digital Transformation Frameworks. She advises institutions, policy makers, intergovernmental organisations and NGOs on key education issues.

Maria holds both Masters and Doctorate degrees in Higher Education, and was awarded ‘Thesis of the Year’ for her thesis on public-private partnerships in higher education. She serves as Adjunct Faculty at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education.

2023 Back to School Featured Speaker
2024 Paris HE Summit
2024 Back to School
2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
10:00 am

CEO Fireside Chat: Kaplan

2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
2:00 pm

From Fragmented Systems to Unified Success: Overcoming Learner and Consumer Experience Challenges

In today's complex digital landscape, transforming the learning experience is challenging, especially with diverse learner needs and fragmented systems. This panel will explore how aggregating learning resources and products no matter where they live, creating personalized learner profiles, and implementing advanced recommendations and robust search capabilities can boost engagement, enhance retention, and elevate the overall learning experience. By unifying resources, we can simplify the learning process and adapt to the evolving needs of all learners.
2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
8:55 am

Education in the Decade Ahead: Growth Drivers, Risks & Opportunities

HolonIQ's signature interactive and data-driven briefing on the global education landscape. Kick off the event with a vision of the future. Join HolonIQ's CEOs on a journey to envision the exciting possibilities and challenges that lie ahead for education and workforce development. Explore groundbreaking trends, innovative technologies, and transformative learning models that will shape the future of education.
2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
11:30 am

Accelerating Apprenticeships

The apprenticeship model is experiencing a global renaissance, with new applications of this stakeholder-collaborative, work integrated learning approach, particularly into 'new' professions. However, many barriers to scaling apprenticeships beyond their traditional remit remain firmly in place. This panel will explore those barriers and highlight where progress is being made, and the innovative models that are breaking new ground to accelerate apprenticeships.
2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
12:00 pm

Hybrid & Online Learning: Building the Student Experience of the Future

Digital is increasingly embedded all along the learner experience in higher education and students increasingly expect flexible options to access their study materials, submit assessment or engage with lectures. Hybrid and online learning models are becoming a normal part of the higher education offer, even for 'campus based' students. However, hybrid and online learning is not easy to pull off for institutions, requiring integration of technology and data all along the learner lifecycle and rethinking learning design from the get-go. This session brings together experts in online and digital learning.
2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
12:30 pm

Community Colleges: The Vocational Engine Powering America's Workforce from the Ground Up

While the demand for skilled workers outpaces supply, what skills are needed, for what jobs, in what industries depends to a large extent on location specific needs and plans. Community colleges are uniquely positioned to bridge this gap, serving as pivotal institutions that drive vocational education and workforce development in the United States, one community at a time. This session will explore the critical role that community colleges play in equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the needs of a dynamic job market, new models and how technology plays a role in the future of community colleges.
2024 Paris, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, June 27, 2024
9:30 am

Welcome & Opening Remarks

2024 Paris, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, June 27, 2024
5:00 pm

Rebooting Higher Education for Lifelong Learning

This panel will focus on the pivotal role universities can play in addressing the demand for ongoing educational opportunities in a world where skills requirements evolve rapidly. The session will highlight strategies for building services and programs for new cohorts of learners, both individually and with industry. Speakers will discuss the strategic and operational implications for universities, sharing their experiences about what to consider and how to manage change in the institution.
2024 Paris, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, June 27, 2024
4:00 pm

The Role of Higher Education in the New Skills Economy

This panel discusses the growing attention to skills in post-secondary education and training, the role of higher education in equipping students with skills needed for the future. We'll explore approaches to embedding employability skills in the curriculum and discuss skills mapping and testing.
2024 Paris, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, June 27, 2024
12:00 pm

Micro and Alternate Credentials: Implications and Opportunities for Universities

As learning habits evolve and demand for new skills continues to put pressure on traditional education models, alternative and micro-credentials are finding their place in the strategic portfolio of higher education institutions worldwide. Leaders are looking to engage new learners and different demographics, as well as meeting the demands of existing students, governments and industry. Standards are continuing to mature around micro-credentials with government regulatory structures making the integration of micro-credentials into qualification frameworks more likely than ever. This session explores the role of micro- and alternate credentials in higher education and offers practical insights into how institutions can engage with these new forms of credentials.
2024 Paris, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, June 27, 2024
10:15 am

Rethinking Institutional Boundaries: New University Models

Policy and funding changes, new forms of competition, changing student demographics and learning preferences mean that higher education instittutions are rethinking their traditional boundaries, including the programs they offer, modes of delivery and approaches to teaching and learning. This session will touch on the forces driving change, outline examples of new models for higher education and discussion implications for the sector.
2024 Paris, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, June 27, 2024
9:40 am

Higher Education in the Decade Ahead. Growth Drivers, Trends, Risks and Opportunities

HolonIQ's signature interactive and data-driven briefing on the global higher education landscape. Kick off the event with a vision of the future. Join HolonIQ's CEOs on a journey to envision the exciting possibilities and challenges that lie ahead for higher education. Explore groundbreaking trends, innovative technologies, and transformative learning models that will shape the future of education.
2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
4:30 pm

Powering the transformation of U.S and Global education and workforce systems

Here in the US, Jobs for the Future recently announced it’s New North Star Goal: In 10 Years, 75 Million People Facing Systemic Barriers to Advancement Will Work in Quality Jobs. Less than half of employed workers in the U.S. are in quality jobs; JFF aims to improve the number with support from a coalition of public, private, and nonprofit sector changemakers. Meanwhile, OpenClassrooms, based in Europe delivers upskilling to learners in over 180 countries. In OpenClassroom’s 2022 Mission Report the company reaffirmed it believes that education should be accessible to everyone and everywhere. Regardless of age, gender and ethnicity. Regardless of social and cultural background. Regardless of financial capacities.
2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
3:30 pm

US Higher Education. Past, present and future - the changing post secondary landscape

A fireside chat with Ted Mitchell, President of the American Council on Education on the key issues, challenges and opportunities facing US Higher Education in achieving major economic and social outcomes, where policy and capital might be focused and what it will take to ‘move the needle’.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, September 21, 2023
3:30 pm

New U: Strategic Takeaways & Action Plans

This practical workshop will consider the range of drivers, trends and scenarios of the last two days and provide a framework for leaders to build their innovation and transformation actions plans and roadmaps. Participants will develop priority lists for each of the summit themes - Future Models for HE; Workforce, Jobs & Skills; Advanced Technology; and Transforming Teaching, Learning & Curriculum.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, September 21, 2023
1:30 pm

WORKSHOP 3: Generative AI in Higher Education

This hands-on workshop will deep dive into the current and future uses of generative AI in education and in the world of work. Participants will interact with a generative AI engine and workshop how they could incorporate GenAI into their operations and curriculum.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, September 21, 2023
11:45 am

Artificial Intelligence - applications across the student lifecycle

With huge advances in AI capabilities and broader awareness of the applications and possibilities in the last few years, AI has become central to University discussions on everything from academic integrity to assessment & feedback, student support and advising, marketing, and many other aspects of the learning experience. This session identifies how AI is already being used across the learner lifecycle and presents examples and challenges for universities to consider.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, September 21, 2023
9:15 am

Interactive Plenary. Building Digital Capabilities in Higher Education

In this session, participants will deep dive into strategic shifts and global trends impacting Higher Education, and analyze implications for their institution. They will assess and map their institution’s digital capabilities against the HEDC framework, explore the Buy/ Build/ Partner decision-making framework to different use cases and engage in peer discussions with other higher education leaders & innovators.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
9:00 am

Opening Interactive Plenary. Drivers & Priorities for the future of higher education

This keynote presentation covers the trends and issues impacting Higher Education and how universities are responding to new competitive environments, new technologies and changing student expectations. This session will introduce the key themes to be discussed over the coming days and the audience will identify their top priorities.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
12:00 pm

WORKSHOP 1: The University of 2030 - What will your institution look like?

Changes to University educational offerings have been accompanied by a bewildering spectrum of partnerships and collaborations, from the rise of OPMs and Bootcamps to increasing collaboration with industry, technology companies and many others. New forms of competition and partnership now go even further, spanning geographic & industry boundaries, and introducing new models which demand completely different skills and mindsets, attract new types of learners and rethink the boundaries of the institution and the sector. This one hour workshop will consider the forces driving change and how those might re-shape universities over the next decade.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
11:15 am

Partnering for Online Learning: Challenges & Opportunities for Universities

Online education is increasingly important to universities with continued pressure for new forms of revenue, ambitions to service more diverse learners and to meet the expectations of current students. Many institutions now undertake a range of external partnerships to support their online programs, from finding and recruiting students, to online learning design and managing the technology stack. This session discusses the trend on partnerships and how online capabilities are being developed inside institutions.
2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
2:00 pm

Education in 2030. Growth Drivers, Trends, Risks and Opportunities

HolonIQ's signature interactive and data-driven briefing on the global education economy. Kick off the event with a vision of the future. Join HolonIQ's CEOs on a journey to envision the exciting possibilities and challenges that lie ahead in education by the year 2030. Explore groundbreaking trends, innovative technologies, and transformative learning models that will shape the future of education.
2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Thursday, September 7, 2023
11:30 am

Stackable Credentials: A Virtuous Cycle for Learners, Employers, and Educators

Foundation Track. While the bachelor’s degree garners skepticism among some prospective students, policymakers, and employers, data continues to show significant lifetime income benefits for degree holders. However, due to the realities of rising prices, high opportunity cost, and other factors, we can’t ignore the skepticism and must lean into the changing nature of learner populations, needed skills development, and accessibility that reaches more individuals who have not been served well by the incumbent system.
2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Thursday, September 7, 2023
4:00 pm

Learning Infrastructure. The Future of LMS, SIS and Digital Learning Environments

Digital infrastructure plays a critical role in enabling effective learning environments. This session will dive into the dynamic LMS and SIS market, essential components of a robust digital infrastructure for any educational institution and where we should expect to see learning and management systems evolve in the age of Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Learning Technologies.
2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Thursday, September 7, 2023
3:30 pm

Thriving in the Digital Era: Strategies for Upskilling and Reskilling in the Future of Work

Explore the imperative of continuous upskilling and reskilling in the face of rapid technological advancements. In this session, gain insights into the. upskilling makret, including lifelong learning approaches, emerging technologies, and collaborative efforts that empower individuals to stay relevant and thrive in the evolving job market.
2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
3:00 pm

Global Student Flows and the Impact of International Education

8.5 million students, representing more than $400B in annual direct expenditure, will travel to study outside their home market by 2030. The US is the world’s leading study destination for international students and post pandemic, is growing rapidly to once again reach the 1 million student mark.
2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Thursday, September 7, 2023
2:00 pm

Supercharging Student Success By Rethinking Skills Assessment

Innovation Track. The assessment industry is being revolutionized by game-changing technologies and methodologies that foster deep learning, critical thinking, and holistic student growth. In this session, discover how personalized assessment and targeted test preparation is changing and promises to propel students toward academic excellence and future success.
2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Thursday, September 7, 2023
9:00 am

US and Global Education Trends

What are the mega trends powering today and tomorrow’s global education market? How is the US market evolving around and through these trends and what are the key growth drivers and risks that policy makers, CEOs, major investors and foundations are navigating to create impact and value.
2022 New York, Global Impact Summit
Thursday, September 22, 2022
9:30 am

State of the Global Impact Economy

HolonIQ's signature interactive and data-driven deep dive of the global impact economy.