250 education companies with a combined $192B market cap, $79B revenue, $10B EBITDA and 668 thousand teachers and professionals
Education is a $5.8 trillion global industry, growing to $7.8 trillion by 2025 and approach $10 trillion by 2030. As the world’s population grows from 7.6 billion today, to an estimated 8.5 billion by 2030, governments are struggling to fund the traditional education system at historic levels. Student debt in the US now exceeds $1.5 trillion dollars and the price of textbooks and post-secondary tuition has inflated 200% over the last 20 years, twice as much as healthcare and four times house prices.
The growth of education as an industry, including privately held, public-private partnerships and education services from Pre K through to Corporate Training and Lifelong Learning is also apparent in the number and size of publicly listed education companies around the world.
Our ongoing research into global education stocks has now identified 250 education companies listed on stock exchanges around the world. The HolonIQ research team is finalising our latest Global Education Stocks Report for clients, which provides deeper analysis of the performance, segments and trends for this group of companies in education.

HQ Companies
$67B Market Cap 37 companies

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