José Escamilla

Associate Director at Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey

José Escamilla is the associate director of the Institute for the Future of Education ( at Tecnologico de Monterrey. The dream of the Institute is to improve the lives of millions of people through transforming higher education and lifelong learning around the world. To achieve this dream, IFE creates, disseminates, and applies research-based educational innovation.

He was director of TecLabs, Dean of the Graduate School of Education, and Director of Educational Innovation at Tecnologico de Monterrey. He has worked on the development of educational innovation ecosystems, the use of technologies in education, artificial intelligence, online education, and various educational innovation projects. He is a Computer Systems Engineer from Tecnologico de Monterrey and has a Master's and Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence from the Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble.

2024 Back to School

José Escamilla

Associate Director at Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnológico de Monterrey

José Escamilla is the associate director of the Institute for the Future of Education ( at Tecnologico de Monterrey. The dream of the Institute is to improve the lives of millions of people through transforming higher education and lifelong learning around the world. To achieve this dream, IFE creates, disseminates, and applies research-based educational innovation.

He was director of TecLabs, Dean of the Graduate School of Education, and Director of Educational Innovation at Tecnologico de Monterrey. He has worked on the development of educational innovation ecosystems, the use of technologies in education, artificial intelligence, online education, and various educational innovation projects. He is a Computer Systems Engineer from Tecnologico de Monterrey and has a Master's and Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence from the Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble.

2024 Back to School
2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
11:30 am

Human Intelligence Meets Artificial Intelligence: Powering the Student Experience

The rapid rise of generative AI and AI-powered technologies is transforming higher education. How will these shifts impact the ways universities support students? This panel discussion will focus on how institutions can harness the potential of AI to enhance student support while preserving the essential human touch—and why a hybrid approach is needed.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, September 21, 2023
3:30 pm

New U: Strategic Takeaways & Action Plans

This practical workshop will consider the range of drivers, trends and scenarios of the last two days and provide a framework for leaders to build their innovation and transformation actions plans and roadmaps. Participants will develop priority lists for each of the summit themes - Future Models for HE; Workforce, Jobs & Skills; Advanced Technology; and Transforming Teaching, Learning & Curriculum.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Thursday, September 21, 2023
9:15 am

Interactive Plenary. Building Digital Capabilities in Higher Education

In this session, participants will deep dive into strategic shifts and global trends impacting Higher Education, and analyze implications for their institution. They will assess and map their institution’s digital capabilities against the HEDC framework, explore the Buy/ Build/ Partner decision-making framework to different use cases and engage in peer discussions with other higher education leaders & innovators.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
10:45 am

IFE Insights Reports - Short Cycle Programs: Effective Responses to Enterprises' Needs Through Educational Innovation

The need for continuous up-skilling and reskilling across a career has never been greater, particularly for digital skills as jobs and industries transform. Micro-Credentials and Short Cycle Programs have emerged as a solution to rapidly changing industry needs, and also offer the potential to provide access to education for those who haven't been able to engage in formal higher education. This session will report on initiatives across Latin America that provide young people with opportunities to acquire decent jobs and a better quality of life through short-cycle programs, with the common objective of reducing the gaps that affect youth and their diverse contexts in Latin America and the world. The session will present findings and outcomes of these initiatives and report on challenges and opportunities for those considering short cycle programs.
2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
9:00 am

Opening Interactive Plenary. Drivers & Priorities for the future of higher education

This keynote presentation covers the trends and issues impacting Higher Education and how universities are responding to new competitive environments, new technologies and changing student expectations. This session will introduce the key themes to be discussed over the coming days and the audience will identify their top priorities.