1,362 Global Speakers

Since 2018, HolonIQ has hosted over 1,000 leading policymakers, investors, entrepreneurs and leaders from around the world at our events.

Alejandro Caballero
Principal Education Specialist at IFC The World Bank Group
Alex Amouyel
Executive Director, MIT Solve
Allan E. Goodman
CEO at the Institute of International Education
Amit Patel
Managing Director at Owl Ventures
Andrew Jack
Global Education Editor at Financial Times
Andrew S. Rosen
Chairman & CEO at Kaplan Inc.
Beth Hollenberg
CEO and Co-Founder at Everspring
Bharat Anand
Vice Provost for Advances in Learning at Harvard University
Bo Stjerne Thomsen
Global Head of Educational Impact at LEGO Education
Courtney Hills McBeth
Chief Academic Officer and Provost at Western Governors University
Dalia Ibrahim
CEO at EdVentures / Nahdet Misr
Doug Lederman
Editor & Founder at Inside Higher Ed
Fanta Aw
CEO and Executive Director at NAFSA
Hardeep Gulati
CEO at PowerSchool
Jamie Candee
CEO at Edmentum
Jane Swift
Former Governor of Massachusetts and President at Education at Work
Jason Green
Co-Founder at Yourwai by LINC
Jean Eddy
President & CEO at American Student Assistance
Jeff Silber
Managing Director and Senior Analyst at BMO Capital Markets
John Katzman
CEO at Noodle
Kim Zou
Lauren Weber
Reporter at The Wall Street Journal
Manuel Cidre
Secretary of the Department of Economic Development and Commerce
Maria Spies
Co-Founder at HolonIQ & Chief Innovation Officer at QS
Mark Schneider
Director of the Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education
Matthew Connell
Sector Vice President, Healthcare at Ivy Tech Community College
Matthew Soldner
Acting Director at Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education
Matthieu Vincent
Foodtech Expert - Founder
Michael Fung
Executive Director, IFE Tecnológico de Monterrey
Michael Golden
Vice Dean of Innovative Programs and Partnerships at University of Pennsylvania / Catalyst at Penn GSE
Nse Esema
SVP, Green Economy at NYCEDC
Rebecca Winthrop
Senior Fellow and Director, The Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution
Reuben Ogbonna
Executive Director at The Marcy Lab School
Roberto Rodriguez
Assistant Secretary for Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development at U.S. Department of Education
Rose Luckin
Professor, UCL and CEO at EDUCATE Ventures
Sarah DeMark
Vice Provost, Workforce Intelligence & Credential Integrity at Western Governors University
Shanika Hope
Director, Education for Social Impact at Google
Sophie Purdom
Managing Partner | Co-Founder
Steve Daly
CEO at Instructure
Ted Mitchell
President at the American Council on Education
Valerie Singer
General Manager, Global Education at Amazon Web Services
Vicki Phillips
CEO at NCEE - National Center on Education and the Economy
Victoria Galan-Muros
Chief Research and Analysis at UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education
Aaron Andersen
Senior Partner at MGT
Aaron McKenna
CEO at Digital Learning Institute and Board Member at University College Dublin
Aarti Gill
CEO at Oziva
Aarti Gupta
CEO and Co-Founder at Qin1
Aastha Dusad
Co-Founder at MEDdelivery
Abbas Manjee
Co-Founder and CAO at Kiddom
Abhilasha Purwar
CEO and Founder at Blue Sky Analytics
Abhishek Sen
Non Executive Director
Abir Seth
Investment Manager, Direct Equity
Abisola Oladapo
CEO at Agnes Health
Achitha Jacob
CEO at Proactive For Her
Ada Chen
Co-Owner and G.M. at Enjoy Technology
Adital Ela
CEO and Founder at Criaterra Innovations
Aditi Avasthi
CEO and Founder at Embibe
Aditya Misra
Agustin David
Senior Client Partner - Education
Agustin M
Programme Manager
Agustin Porres
Regional Director, LATAM
Ahmed ElSayed
Research Associate Professor and the Director of Research
Aileen Lai
CEO at Healthbeats
Aimie Sibson
CEO and Co-Founder at LINC-ED Hero
Aino Kuronen
COO and Co-Founder at Kide Science
Aishwarya Goel
CEO at PeakPerformer
Aizhan Kul-Mukhammed
Co-Founder at Neupusti
Akua Nyame-Mensah
Co-Founder at CoffeeChat
Alaa Hamadto
CEO at Solar Foods
Alain Goudey
Directeur Général Adjoint - Digital at NEOMA Business School
Alamanda Santoso
CEO at Binar Academy
Alba Rodríguez
CEO and Founder at Gricha
Alejandro Mieses
Chief Executive Officer at TerraFirma
Aleksandra Kozera
CEO at The Village Network
Alessandro Di Lullo
Co-Founder at SuperCharger Ventures
Alex Ng
Managing Director
Alexandra Amouyel
Executive Director
Alexandra Damgaard
CPO and Co-Founder at Sales Impact Academy
Alexandra Rasch Castillo
CEO and Founder at Caban Systems
Alexandra Shiqihu
Director of Residential ESS Business Unit at Tecloman
Alexandre Durst
Chief Investment Officer
Alexandrine Brami
CEO at Lingopass
Alexandro Martagón
Assistant Professor at The Obesity Research Institute & Clinical Researcher at Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, SNI I
Alexia Akbay
CEO at Symbrosia
Alexis Normand
CEO & Co-Founder
Alfonso Pompa Padilla
Secretary of Innovation, Science and Technology for the Government of the state Jalisco
Alice Williams
Founder at Ovira
Alicia Policinski
CEO at Quottly
Alim Ladha
Founder & CEO
Alina Colton
CEO at Arcadia Math
Alisa Valderrama
CEO and Co-Founder at FutureProof Technologies
Alisa Zamoreva
CEO at AnyClass
Alison Hardacre
Co-CEO and Co-Founder at Halaxy
Alison Richards
CEO at Bind Benefits UHC Ancillary
Allana Abdulla
CEO and Co-Founder at Bahaso
Allison Dring
CEO at Made of Air