Matthew Soldner

Acting Director at Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education

Dr. Matthew Soldner (@mattsoldner) is the Acting Director of the Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Since 2018, he has also served as the Commissioner of the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE) at the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES). He is the Department’s Evaluation Officer, responsible for the Department’s effort to design, conduct, and learn from evaluations of federal programs and policies. He also oversees the Department’s Regional Educational Laboratories, which partner with educators and policymakers to increase the use of research and evidence to enhance education programs and improve student performance, and the What Works Clearinghouse, which reviews education research to provide educators with information they can use when making evidence-based decisions.

His areas of interest include the use of rigorous evidence to improve education policy and practice and the implementation and evaluation of efforts to improve postsecondary outcomes for students. Before coming to NCEE, Dr. Soldner was a Principal Researcher at the American Institutes for Research where he focused on postsecondary education and the workforce. He began his federal service at IES’s National Center for Education Statistics. Dr. Soldner’s masters and doctoral degrees are from the University of Maryland’s College of Education.

2024 Back to School

Matthew Soldner

Acting Director at Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education

Dr. Matthew Soldner (@mattsoldner) is the Acting Director of the Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Since 2018, he has also served as the Commissioner of the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE) at the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES). He is the Department’s Evaluation Officer, responsible for the Department’s effort to design, conduct, and learn from evaluations of federal programs and policies. He also oversees the Department’s Regional Educational Laboratories, which partner with educators and policymakers to increase the use of research and evidence to enhance education programs and improve student performance, and the What Works Clearinghouse, which reviews education research to provide educators with information they can use when making evidence-based decisions.

His areas of interest include the use of rigorous evidence to improve education policy and practice and the implementation and evaluation of efforts to improve postsecondary outcomes for students. Before coming to NCEE, Dr. Soldner was a Principal Researcher at the American Institutes for Research where he focused on postsecondary education and the workforce. He began his federal service at IES’s National Center for Education Statistics. Dr. Soldner’s masters and doctoral degrees are from the University of Maryland’s College of Education.

2024 Back to School
2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
10:00 am

Driving Sustainable Change: Investing in Innovative R&D for Education

Investing in R&D for education can drive lasting change, similar to advances in other industries. Our panel discussion delves into unique, innovative and inclusive solution-building initiatives within education. Discover how investors, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists can contribute to, and benefit from, these efforts in building a more equitable, sustainable, and scalable learning landscape for the global marketplace.