Mercedes de la Masa

CEO at Generation Mexico

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Mercedes de la Masa

CEO at Generation Mexico

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2023 Monterrey, Future of Higher Education and Workforce Summit
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
10:45 am

IFE Insights Reports - Short Cycle Programs: Effective Responses to Enterprises' Needs Through Educational Innovation

The need for continuous up-skilling and reskilling across a career has never been greater, particularly for digital skills as jobs and industries transform. Micro-Credentials and Short Cycle Programs have emerged as a solution to rapidly changing industry needs, and also offer the potential to provide access to education for those who haven't been able to engage in formal higher education. This session will report on initiatives across Latin America that provide young people with opportunities to acquire decent jobs and a better quality of life through short-cycle programs, with the common objective of reducing the gaps that affect youth and their diverse contexts in Latin America and the world. The session will present findings and outcomes of these initiatives and report on challenges and opportunities for those considering short cycle programs.