Nate MacKinnon

Executive Director at Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges

Nate Mackinnon was appointed Executive Director of the Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges (MACC) in May of 2021. In his role, Nate works on behalf of the fifteen community college presidents and their local Boards of Trustees to strengthen community colleges for the benefit of students, communities, and the Commonwealth. The community colleges in Massachusetts currently serve more than 136,000 students, representing nearly half of the total students in the state’s public higher education system.

Prior to joining MACC as Executive Director, Nate served as the Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges at the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), and while in Nevada he worked as an Adjunct Faculty Member at Truckee Meadows Community College. Prior to his work in Nevada, Mackinnon was the Assistant Commissioner and Chief of Staff at the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (DHE) for more than eight years. He has also served as Research Director for the Joint Committee on Education in the Massachusetts Legislature and prior to that as Research Coordinator for the Massachusetts Department of Education.

Mackinnon graduated magna cum laude from Northeastern University with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and received his Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard University. He was the 2014 recipient of the Lucius N. Littauer Award from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and was a Governor Robert F. Bradford Fellow for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at Harvard University for 2013-2014.

Nate currently serves as the Chair of the National Council of State Directors of Community Colleges (NCSDCC), and as President of the Board for Raising the Village, USA.

2024 San Juan Speaker
2024 Back to School

Nate MacKinnon

Executive Director at Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges

Nate Mackinnon was appointed Executive Director of the Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges (MACC) in May of 2021. In his role, Nate works on behalf of the fifteen community college presidents and their local Boards of Trustees to strengthen community colleges for the benefit of students, communities, and the Commonwealth. The community colleges in Massachusetts currently serve more than 136,000 students, representing nearly half of the total students in the state’s public higher education system.

Prior to joining MACC as Executive Director, Nate served as the Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges at the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), and while in Nevada he worked as an Adjunct Faculty Member at Truckee Meadows Community College. Prior to his work in Nevada, Mackinnon was the Assistant Commissioner and Chief of Staff at the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (DHE) for more than eight years. He has also served as Research Director for the Joint Committee on Education in the Massachusetts Legislature and prior to that as Research Coordinator for the Massachusetts Department of Education.

Mackinnon graduated magna cum laude from Northeastern University with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and received his Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard University. He was the 2014 recipient of the Lucius N. Littauer Award from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and was a Governor Robert F. Bradford Fellow for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at Harvard University for 2013-2014.

Nate currently serves as the Chair of the National Council of State Directors of Community Colleges (NCSDCC), and as President of the Board for Raising the Village, USA.

2024 San Juan Speaker
2024 Back to School
2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
12:30 pm

Community Colleges: The Vocational Engine Powering America's Workforce from the Ground Up

While the demand for skilled workers outpaces supply, what skills are needed, for what jobs, in what industries depends to a large extent on location specific needs and plans. Community colleges are uniquely positioned to bridge this gap, serving as pivotal institutions that drive vocational education and workforce development in the United States, one community at a time. This session will explore the critical role that community colleges play in equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the needs of a dynamic job market, new models and how technology plays a role in the future of community colleges.
2024 San Juan, Global Leadership Summit
Friday, May 17, 2024
3:30 pm

Talent as a driver of economic development

Hear from leaders across Puerto Rico, Indiana, Michigan, Massachusetts and South Carolina about how economic development is changing, the critical role of talent as a business attraction asset, and how states are investing in the next generation of workers as a pathway to individual and collective economic mobility