Rebecca Winthrop

Senior Fellow and Director, The Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution

Rebecca Winthrop is a senior fellow and director at Brookings' Center for Universal Education, focuses on global education, emphasizing skills essential for youth success and citizenship. She drives education systems transformation, leveraging innovations and family-school collaboration to advance progress, especially for marginalized youth. Advising governments, international institutions, and civil society, Winthrop serves on global education boards and lectures at Georgetown University. Her extensive publications include recent works like "Transforming Education Systems" and "Leapfrogging Inequality." Educated at Columbia University and Swarthmore College, she holds a Ph.D. from Teachers College. Winthrop's expertise spans research, advocacy, and practical strategies for educational improvement on a global scale.

2023 Back to School Featured Speaker
2024 San Juan Speaker
2024 Back to School

Rebecca Winthrop

Senior Fellow and Director, The Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution

Rebecca Winthrop is a senior fellow and director at Brookings' Center for Universal Education, focuses on global education, emphasizing skills essential for youth success and citizenship. She drives education systems transformation, leveraging innovations and family-school collaboration to advance progress, especially for marginalized youth. Advising governments, international institutions, and civil society, Winthrop serves on global education boards and lectures at Georgetown University. Her extensive publications include recent works like "Transforming Education Systems" and "Leapfrogging Inequality." Educated at Columbia University and Swarthmore College, she holds a Ph.D. from Teachers College. Winthrop's expertise spans research, advocacy, and practical strategies for educational improvement on a global scale.

2023 Back to School Featured Speaker
2024 San Juan Speaker
2024 Back to School
2024 New York, 'Back to School' Summit Day 2
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
3:00 pm

Boosting Engagement: Breakthrough Strategies for Improving K-12 Education

Alternative school options are on the rise, public school enrollment is declining, learning recovery is moving slowly, and there’s an ongoing teacher shortage. Discover the breakthrough strategies that can boost engagement in and with public schools and ultimately transform the education landscape. Join leading thinkers as they share critical insights and practical approaches to addressing these critical issues.
2024 San Juan, Global Leadership Summit
Friday, May 17, 2024
10:30 am

School-Family-Community Engagement for Educational Outcomes

Schools with strong family engagement are ten times more likely to improve student learning outcomes and, when implemented effectively, can be a highly cost-effective investment. Join this session to hear more about global research from the The Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution and a discussion of findings from a review of over 500 strategies, along with key insights about the Puerto Rico context and initiatives from the US Department of Education.
2024 San Juan, Global Leadership Summit
Friday, May 17, 2024
9:30 am

Engaging Communities & Ecosystems for Sustainable Impact

2023 New York, 'Back to School' Summit
Thursday, September 7, 2023
2:00 pm

Shifting Landscapes, Shaping Education: Funding Strategies for Impact

This dynamic session will surface strategic decisions faced by many philanthropic organizations and policy makers when seeking to align funding infrastructure to meet the needs of a changing and uncertain education landscape. Explore the tension in transforming community and school collaboration that raises fundamental questions around power, what counts as data, the role of evidence, and the right balance between supporting proven approaches and seeding new ones.
2022 New York, Global Impact Summit
Thursday, September 22, 2022
10:00 am

Global Impact Reflections. Towards a more inclusive and sustainable future.