The East Asia EdTech 150 is HolonIQ's list of the 150 most promising EdTech startups from East Asia.

HolonIQ’s East Asia EdTech 150 list includes EdTech startups based in the the the ecosystems of East Asia including Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, China and Taiwan. This region is home to 1.6 billion people, making it the the most populated in the world. It is also an emerging powerhouse for high tech, accounting for over half of global growth in tech-company revenues in the last decade, 45%+ of global startup funding and spending on R&D. Education is a key component of such development so it’s not surprising to see such strength in the 2021 East Asia EdTech 150, particularly in the STEAM, Robotics and AI with teams such as Makeblock, Turing Robot, Squirrel AI, Mathpresso, and Elice.

Startups are categorized by their main focus. Categories in the market map are not mutually exclusive.