Nearly 20% of Global GDP is spent on Education and Healthcare. The pandemic marks a massive inflection point for these two precious and grossly under-appreciated engines of economic and social wellbeing. Digital Transformation dominates the agenda of almost every senior learning and wellbeing leader globally.
Representing $15T of annual global spend, Education and Healthcare are incredible engines of economic and social wellbeing. The COVID pandemic has been a tragic, once in a lifetime forcing function for innovation. In 2020, $60B+ of venture capital has been invested in digital learning and digital health startups.
Globally, HealthTech attracted just under 3x the venture capital investment that EdTech secured in 2020. However, this picture varies significantly in different regions of the world. For every $10 that North American venture capital invests in HealthTech, it invests less than $1.00 of venture capital in EdTech. Asia, on the other hand, invests just a little less into HealthTech than it does into EdTech.
From a geographic share of global investment perspective, the split is nearly a mirror image. Asia’s proportional investment in Global EdTech is about the same as North America’s share in Global HealthTech and vice versa.

Global Capital vs Education and Health Flows
Representing $15T of annual global spend, Education and Healthcare are incredible economic and social wellbeing engines. That’s almost 20% of Global GDP. Over the decades, these two predominately public sectors have started to turn to public-private partnerships and capital markets to fund and fuel growth and innovation. Beginning with social infrastructure, then services and now digital infrastructure, institutions and companies of all kinds are collaborating to build a better future.