Globally, COVID-19 will cost the equivalent of 250+ million jobs in the second quarter of 2020. 1.6 billion informal economy workers could suffer massive damage to their livelihoods. The Education to Employment pipeline is experiencing an unforeseen disruption and the challenge ahead is enormous.
Isolated at home, it’s incredibly difficult to see the big picture. We are zooming out with HolonIQ Maps from our Global Intelligence Platform to frame the seismic shifts shaping the education to employment landscape.
Perhaps like never before have we seen education in the public consciousness. Discussions about schools and universities re-opening, the realities of mass home-schooling, the key question of a digital divide – all this bringing to the fore how integral, and integrated, education is to us all and to humanity.
The HolonIQ platform screenshot below maps over 9,000 Universities around the world. Each and every institution currently dealing with the immediate issue of business continuity (collective ‘hats off’ to you!). But just as importantly, right now in the virtual boardrooms of every institution, planning for the next phase is underway – digital transformation, ensuring access and equity, and a rapid reimagining of the whole student life cycle to coherently and sustainably incorporate digital and online, both in and out of the classroom.