Measuring Impact, not Competitiveness. The Global Impact Index is a different way of looking at the world.
Nations spend a significant amount of their energy and resources competing against each other on dimensions such as production and consumption. Power and growth dominate our perspective. The Global Impact Index is a different way of looking at the world. It is a prototype summary measure, designed to capture the social and environmental outcomes that nations are delivering for their people and our planet.
Based on 50 impact indicators, representing 10 impact factorsโ, the open-source index scores and ranks over 150 economies which account for more than 99% of the world's population and GDP.
The 2022 Global Impact Index is a prototype index that was launched at the Global Impact Summit in New York, Sep 22, 2022 alongside the UN General Assembly, Climate Week and Transforming Education Summit.
2022 Country Impact Rankings
The Index's Inaugural Impact Rankings are based on equally weighted scores from 50 impact indicators representing 10 impact factors. Major nordic economies dominate the inaugural rankings with Europe performing well above average. Smaller, wealthy nations outperform on the prototype impact indicators with the G7's average rank of 19 and G20 average rank of 53.
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